Calculate how many ads you need. If you want to paste ads only in your district or area of coverage will be the whole city? How much you need of potential responses? There are situations where it is sufficient to put up fifteen ads, and sometimes a hundred would not be enough.
Consider text ads. In the beginning, according to tradition, indicates the verb in the first person of the present time, indicating most importantly in your ad. This verb will depend on why you give your announcement. The mass of options – "hire", "looking for", "buy", "sell" or even "meet". Is it better to print in the middle of the sheet in capital letters. Else print below, on a new line in small letters. Remember that text ads should only display basic information, try to be as succinct as possible.
Type in your contact phone number at the bottom of the ad, in a few instances. To do this, print it vertically, using a special tool, which is in any program for creating documents.
Duplicate your ad in the second half of the sheet. Thus, you have two ads on a single sheet. It will help you save paper and double the number of created ads.
Print your ad on thick paper. This will prevent the text ads from the humidity outside, otherwise it can spread. However, in advance find out how thick paper can print used your printer not to screw up the technique.
Use high quality ink, so that their consumption is not too large and therefore uneconomical. In addition, high quality printed text will be more visible, and to stay better.
Cut the printed ads strictly in the middle, with each sheet turned in two copies of the ads. Then cut each slice ad with a phone number so that the interested person was convenient to tear off.