They all boil down to the fact that the tattoo oblivaetsya, but depending on your capabilities there are a few different ways:

The most civilized: the use of machines for tattooing. As a suitable string, built artisanal and professional. Be sober! And make sure that you have normal pressure and not increased. If you have any doubts on this score – transfer procedure on another day when you're absolutely sure of their health status.
To begin, prepare the machine to work. To do this, adjust the frequency of the hits, select the needle size (best fit bundle-roundabout) or strings.
Prepare in advance the material that is going to cut away. Combine the milk with the powder streptotsida (you can crush the tablet), fill in a container (or use a plastic cap, used for paints).
Stock up on cotton wool with water in a spray bottle (useful for washing off blood and milk) and a bandage.
The second method is simply the introduction of milk under the skin in areas of coverage pattern with the help of syringe and medical needle. Take a new syringe and needle (two CC is fine).
Prepare the desired mixture, pour it into the syringe.
Stock up on a variety with a cotton swab.
Inject milk deep under the skin, in small portions. The quality of the procedure largely depends on the frequency of injections.