Decide what type of transport you will use during the journey. Keep in mind that in your hand Luggage during the flight can not take Luggage exceeding 21 inches in height. If the travel bag will be bulkier, it will be shipped in the Luggage compartment. On the train you will have to carry the bag down the corridor, so too large it should not be. Decide you purchase a bag exclusively for their own needs, or it will travel things your companions. It will also affect the size of the bag.
If you buy a bag on wheels, check out their mount. Choose a bag, the wheels which are attached by means of steel bearings. The plastic bushing will break down quickly and the bag will become worthless. Check the hardness of the bottom and the presence of special solid inserts. The bottom must support the weight of the bags filled with your things.
Take the bag, the handle which is sewn from strips of fabric. Make sure that these strips are passed through the bottom "ring", a well-stitched and firmly sewn to the bag. Long the handle should be with the backpack. Check all stitching, buckles and zipper. The locks should work well and seams to be decorated outsiders carelessly protruding threads.
Ask the seller about the durability of the impregnation, which was used in the manufacture of travel bags. High-quality treatment will make the fabric more resistant to getting wet and abrasion. In this issue you will have to listen to the sales assistant because you to check the quality of impregnation is possible only in practice, in the process of operation.
Buy a bag with internal pockets and multiple compartments. This will facilitate the process of packing Luggage. In addition, small objects will not be mixed with clothes, and you can easily and quickly find them in the bag.
Choose a bag made of artificial leather or material. Genuine leather will quickly lose its original respectable appearance, covered with scratches. Besides, reusable bags are the easiest.