You will need
  • non - steroidal ointments and creams;
  • - mustard;
  • - turpentine ointment;
  • red apples and alcohol;
  • - parsley.
With cervical osteochondrosis some respite as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve pain, improve mobility of the neck. If your stomach hurts, it is better to take these drugs in the form of rectal candles. The effect is the same, but without the negative effects on the gastric mucosa.
Buy any non-steroid ointment, such as "Diclofenac", "Fastum gel" or other similar means. Apply the ointment on the neck area, but if the pain and gives the spine, across the back. Before applying precitajte annotation. Not mates ointment too often, because it enters the bloodstream and can cause poisoning of the active ingredients that enter into its composition.
Put the mustard plaster on the neck. Suitable mustard packets, and conventional strip. Keep about 15 minutes, due to the irritant and warming actions the pain will begin to recede. Put the yellow card several times a day until you feel relief.
Buy turpentine ointment. Use it topically, and anoint the neck several times a day. After applying the turpentine can wrap the neck wrap and scarf, then the warming effect will increase and the disease will soon recede.
Take two teaspoons of parsley leaves, boil in 400 ml of boiling water. Let the broth a little stand, then strain and take a tablespoon 2 times a day.
Take 100 grams of red elderberry (berries) and pour 400 ml of pure alcohol. Leave for a few days, ideally about one week. RUB the neck 2-3 times per day. Can do a compress, but for this infusion dilute 1: 3 with boiled water, saturate a soft cloth and apply on the neck for 30-40 minutes.
If you have frequent attacks of degenerative disc disease, without going to the painnitsu simply not enough. You should see a specialist. Sometimes osteoarthritis is confused with other diseases of the skeletal system, so do not put a diagnosis themselves.