Order a bouquet of gerberas will delight you for a week or two? will have to work hard. First and foremost, care must be taken to dehydrated after transport the flowers could drink plenty. Them before putting them in the vase cut into water containers.
Cutting stems should be done not by shears, which will only compress the stalks and blood vessels in them, but razor-sharp knife. The cut should be oblique, in order to create a wider area of absorption. It is noticed that the shorter trimmed the stems, the better the flowers are in a vase. So if you want to enjoy your bouquet for a long time, long stems will have to sacrifice.
To put in a vase gerberas need also a special way. These flowers have a large heavy head and a gentle, soft stem. So try to put the gerberas in a vase so that the stems do not touch the bottom and the severity of the stalks pressed on them. Professional growers and florists use special cardboard plates supporting the flower stalks in limbo. Sometimes in the course are Scotch tape or thin wire, which strengthen the stems under stems.
When you put the gerberas in the water, make sure that it covers the stems are not longer than 3-4 cm, otherwise they will start to rot. Water should be fresh, separated from the chlorine, at room temperature. For disinfection add a tablet of activated charcoal, and aspirin or a bit of citric acid. Sometimes florists suggest to add to water for cut flowers in a small amount of nutrient fertilizer that you can purchase in a flower shop.
Approximately every two to three days, the flower stems should be cut under water to refresh slice and provide a better power plant. The water also needs to be changed regularly, and in hot weather or during intense additional heating to refill it in between shifts. If all recommendations have been implemented correctly, your wildflowers will delight you with its beauty.