Start knitting the sweater from the back. Dial on the spokes 96 of the loops and tie three inches elastic 2x2, alternating two obverse and two reverse loops. Dawasa three centimeters gum, close the loop, change the spokes on the hook and continue to knit fabric at the upper edge of the bands, selecting a suitable scheme of pattern.
Provatas 23 cm from the edge of the gum, close the two sides in eight loops for armholes, then continue to knit straight. From the starting line openings provarite 6 cm and close the Central six loops to get cut.
Two parts of the back knit separately and then when you reach the height of 40 cm finish knitting and proceed to the front detail of the sweater. Dial back on the spokes 96 of the loops and tie, as described above, the top band 3 cm 2x2. Close the loop and then hook and start to tie the top edge of the gum.
Provarite 23 cm, close on two sides with 8 loops for armhole, then knit straight. From the beginning of armholes provarite another 8 cm and close the middle 16 of the loops to form a neck. On both sides of the closed loops 16 close even on 3 loops in each row and twice in two loops. Complete knitting, as in the case of the back, when you reach the total height 40 cm
For knitted sleeveless dial on the spokes 48 of the loops and tie a rubber band 3 cm wide, then close the loop and then crochet on each side, adding in every second row 11 times for one loop. Reaching a height of 44 cm close the loop.
Assemble the parts of the sweatertogether – connect them, perform the side seams, vsheyte in the armhole of the sleeve, and then treat neck. On the edge of neckline lift 90 stitches on needles and provarite rubber band 2 cm.
Close the loop. The edges of the resulting slit backless lift on the spokes for 26 loops, proverite elastic half an inch and close the loop. Sew a button on.