So you've decided to join a Union. For this purpose the company where you work should be the primary trade Union organization. Then you'll need to write two statements. One of them directly to the trade Union Committee with the request that you received in the trade-Union organization, and the other in accounting, what would you pay membership trade-Union dues. Both statements must be transmitted to the Union Committee.
Then it is necessary that trade-Union Committee or Union meeting on the basis of your statements, adopted the decision on admission to membership of the Union. After that you will be able to get a Union card which is supposed to have.
It is possible that Your company is not a Union organization. In this case, build it jointly with other workers. Can unite at least three people.
For this you need to learn about the rules of the Union you want to join, please read carefully the regulations on the primary trade Union organization. Next, inform the organization of the same Union, located in your territory (city, district) on the desire to create new primary trade-Union organization and negotiate.
If the territorial organisation decided and established your primary organization, be sure there is the General constituent Assembly, which will be formed by the governing bodies of your organization and the audit. Further, according to the above scheme participants, in accordance with the established procedure, write statements