You will need
  • - vinegar is 5%;
  • - citric acid.
Scum is formed as a result of using hard water. The more the water the magnesium and calcium level. So how often should be cleaned, depends on this parameter. Many of the instructions for the pressure cooker indicated that the scale should be removed every 8 air conditioning, but the frequency can vary depending on the fluid used, 6 to 10 air conditioning. Also, along with cleaning removes harmful bacteria and microbes.
Pour into the water tank 2-3 cups vinegar (5%). Add water to the maximum level that it covers the entire heating element.
Select the appropriate pallet, which is used in construction. Put one steam compartment and close the appliance lid.
Turn on the steamer and let it run for about 10-12 minutes. If the layer of scum left, then you can leave the cleaning for another 5 minutes.
Turn off the steamer and wait until the cooling elements of the device. Drain the vinegar with water and rinse the tank.
Similarly, it is possible to produce the descaling with citric acid. Its use will also give the desired effect. On the whole compartment of water you should use about 25 grams of citric acid. Enable cleanup should be 20-25 minutes. After cleaning rinse the tank.