You will need
  • - "Paracetamol"
  • - ear drops Otipax"
  • - 3% alcohol solution
  • - camphor or almond oil
  • - onions
  • - linseed oil
  • - alcohol tincture of propolis
  • - med
To anesthetize the initial stage of otitis helps "Paracetamol", assigned in age doses. You can use ear drops "Drops", which have analgesic effect. In addition, it is possible to reduce pain using a compress according to one of the founders: we have to soak gauze 3% alcohol solution (boric acid and glycerin) and insert it in your ear. Keep the solution in the ear canal for 3-5 hours.
A proven remedy that can help with strong pain, is the use of camphor oil. Bury it in the ear should be in a heated state. Analgesic properties and almond oil.
A tampon made of onion, you can reduce ear pain. A few pieces of onion should be carefully wrapped in cotton wool and insert it into the ear, being careful not to stick it deeply. The use of tampons helps to not only remove the pain, but to clear the nasopharynx. Juice squeezed from baked onions, you can also ear drops to stop "shooting" pain. If you mix a paste of onions with Flaxseed oil, it is possible to obtain a mixture, which is also used as tampons that are inserted into the ears to reduce the pain of otitis media.
Another effective way to relieve pain during otitis is the use of propolis. It is necessary to mix an alcohol tincture of propolis with honey (1:1) and before bedtime to drip into your ears (2-3 drops). Leave the inflammation and the pain will pass. You can also mix the ethanolic extract of propolis (10%) of the corn oil ratio of 1:2. Received seven have shaken. After this you need to gauze a tourniquet, to impregnate it with the returned emulsion and lay in the ear canal for 4 hours. The procedure is recommended daily for 15 days.
To remove the "firing" of the pain will help the warming of the ear. A cotton swab dipped in warm water and insert into the affected ear. Keep in the ear until it cools, repeat the heat up to 4 times a day until pain.