You will need
  • - flowers;
  • tape;
  • - plastic wrap or newsprint.
Remember how to translate the word "bouquet". Translated it means "beautiful gathered group of flowers". This implies that priority in the preparation should be beauty, not practicality or pretentiousness. Another direction for guidance – the reason for which designed bouquet. Depending on who you will present to his creation, changing the underlying component, color combinations and design options. In this case, consider also the age of the donee, his social status, gender and Hobbies.
Use all the information to establish the basic concept of the bouquet. Only true masters can afford to make a bouquet, guided solely by intuition. You need to imagine the end result that you seek.
Choose bright colors and flowers with unopened buds, if the gift is intended for a young girl. It can be delicate white irises or roses, chrysanthemums touching. At your disposal – the whole palette of pastel shades. Gave the older women a bouquet made in darker tones. Dilute it a few more bright spots, for example, white color, - use decorative grasses or ribbons.
Don't forget that red bouquets might also be appropriate, if you want to Express your love to man. They can be designed for the idol, and the person who is retiring, but does not have to give them to the boss. Note the Sunny colors – yellow, bright orange flowers raise the spirits and give them all possible.
Going to visit, collect a bouquet for the hostess and her daughter. Good manners require you to pay close attention to all the female host.
Remember that flowers in a bouquet should be odd number. It is believed that if more than 12, then the rule ceases to operate, but believe in it, so reinsurance and avoid unnecessary flower.
Do not pick an exotic bouquet for a friend of bad person, stick to standard colors. Also do not overdo it with wild flowers, - they would be appropriate rather in the circle of friends.