Never attempt to wash your parrot forcibly. This not only can cause the bird stress and for a long time (if not forever) to fight off the desire to get closer to the water, but also undermine its credibility.
Put in a cage with a parrot bath for bathing. It pour pure water at room temperature. Most parrots are beginning to dabble, especially in hot weather. After bathing, the dirty water make sure to remove, otherwise the parrot will start to drink it. If for any reason a wavy parrot refuses to swim, try to put in the tub his favorite toy or treat. Water in the bath should be small – about 2-3 ml, and it automatically excludes the possibility that the bird will drown.
Some budgies like to bathe in flowing water, e.g. under the tap. In this case, ensure that the flow was not strong, and the water is not hot. To wavy parrot was not nervous, the atmosphere should be as relaxed and not tense.
When bathing the birds never let drafts, because parrots are very delicate.
If the budgie refuses to swim in the bath or under the tap, you can refresh it with a spray gun. The water in this case needs to be warm enough, that when sprayed to deliver the bird discomfort. It does not spray water strictly for parrots, best to aim above the head to a drop of water fell from above. Regular spraying is useful because it helps to get rid of common parrots have the habit of plucking their feathers.
Specially to dry budgies after a bath is not necessary, especially with a hair dryer. If you see that the bird froze and there is a risk to get colds, just install over the cage table lamp, under which the bird will dry out and warm up.