Analyze your state of mind at the moment. Do you feel inner harmony? If you do get angry on others people? You need to look at ourselves more honestly. If you often get mad at people, even if not show it outwardly, it is not surprising that the evil people are and on your way. There is a law - such things always attract. So first start with changing yourself. Start to tune friendly towards other people. Do not allow yourself to show aggression and anger. If you feel that you are jealous of someone, there is a simple way to get rid of it. Take a look at envy as a desire to live someone else's life. This desire is unnatural. Envy is the desire to be someone else, not themselves, want other people's successes, but the most interesting is to be yourself, to make their discoveries. Think about it.
If you notice that someone is showing towards you is anger, envy, aggression don't answer back. Lots of it, we should not let such negative emotions, because living with them is very difficult. First, internally, as I can sincerely sympathize with this man. After all, his anger sharpening it every day and obviously it doesn't make him happier. Secondly, understand what triggered his reaction to you. Perhaps this is some of your actions, unfair to him, if such a thing really was, try to talk with this person to sort out the problem together. If his anger is motivated by nothing but envy. Stay away from this man away. To join with him in a verbal altercation only if you feel emotional and intellectual strength. But remember that any negative emotion acts like a vampire, it takes away your mental energy. So envious it is best to keep a distance.
Protect yourself with the help of your faith. You can read protective prayers. But ask not that evil people were punished, but of mind, which will help you to overcome opposition. Pray for the protection of their homes, children, prohibiting meetings with negatively minded people. Can also help pray for this man. Ask higher power to help the offender, to give him intelligence. A very important thing - your own inner spirit. Wish everyone (even those who are the enemy) just what you wish for yourself, so good. This rule will never cease to be faithful.
Do not rush on the first announcement of the removal of damage and the evil eye. A lot of charlatans who can take advantage of your crisis situation and really "see" the damage, and then begin to heal in several stages for a "reasonable" fee.
Useful advice
Don't ignore someone else's anger, let them know that you notice her and she's unpleasant to you, but keep all emotions. This foe will only "eat".
If the situation goes too far, it is better to limit contact with that person. If this is your colleague or neighbor, a reasonable option would be to just go out, find a new job or apartment. Your inner peace and harmony is more expensive.
If the situation goes too far, it is better to limit contact with that person. If this is your colleague or neighbor, a reasonable option would be to just go out, find a new job or apartment. Your inner peace and harmony is more expensive.