You will need
  • Kimono, a belt of correct length (3M).
Take the belt and place it opposite the middle part of the abdomen.
How to tie your belt in karate
Next, wrap the belt around his waist, crossed it behind his back and bring the ends in front of him. Try to keep the right end of the belt was slightly longer than the left, this will facilitate the process of tying and make the knot obtained the more smooth and neat.
How to tie your belt in karate
The left end of the belt crossed over the right and thread it from bottom to top, grabbing both layers of the belt. Be careful, take all the tours of the winding.
How to tie your belt in karate
Take the lower end of the belt, which is on the right side, fold it and place over the left. Now twist both of the tail belt.
How to tie your belt in karate
Forming a smooth, neat knot, tighten both ends of the belt.
How to tie your belt in karate
Finally, take your arms outstretched the ends of the belt and check their length – they should be the same. It symbolizes the harmony between body and spirit of karate.
If done correctly, you with a calm heart can recover to training. A knot tied this way is reliable and he can not come loose.
How to tie your belt in karate