First you need to completely eliminate profanity from your speech. Even if you believe that your speech sounds adequately, the interviewer may think otherwise and instead get to the heart, it filters your words.
Try to be less pompous and arrogant when you talk. Otherwise, this behavior will only lead to the fact that all the surrounding turn away from you. Your speech should be simple and understandable to the interviewee, it should not belittle it and cause irritation.
Almost every person uses a words-parasites. Sometimes we do not notice how frequent these words (e.g. here, this, that, well, so and so forth), they can essentially ruin your speech. To get rid of such bad habits possible, but at the same time it will be very difficult. First, write down what you normally say on tape and listen to yourself. When you communicate with other people, watch what they say, try note to myself which words-parasites they use. After a while you learn to follow not only for others but for themselves. Instead of filling a pause with the phrase "Well-" better to remain silent.
Ensure that the correct stress in words. Perhaps you did not confuse what you don't say the words, but for other people it may a lot about you to say, and to be exact to ruin the experience.
Be concise, to Express their thoughts clearly, not throwing empty talk. In the case if you talk too much, but did not report any information, soon anyone will be bored talking to you.
Watch your comments and no offense, if people correct you. It is only good.