If you are interested in someone just because of personal interests, try to appeal to all kinds of social networks. Today they abound. When registering in these networks and fill out the information in the profiles people write a lot about himself and as the statistics shows, it is not invented, and truthful information.
In some cases, you can simply use the services of the address table, or reference. A lot of you there, of course, will not tell, but at least some initial information about the person to add a little to the already known data you still can.
Can try to use any of the special programs of search of a series of "Virtual detective". Such programs work with virtually all existing databases. They collect information of all mobile operators, we actively work with social networks, forums and message boards and websites dedicated to Dating. As the experience of the people who ear had the good fortune to get acquainted with such programs, the information content of their sometimes impressive.
Of course, the man, the details of which you need, could not especially "light" on various forums and in social networks, but he certainly has a cell phone and he could not avoid various registration services, information which may also be available "a Virtual detective". The only thing - do not abuse these programs.
If you are pretty advanced PC user and know the IP of the computer of the personwhose information you collect, try to use your knowledge and figure out any digital data. And according to the obtained results keep looking, because you will already have more information than was in the beginning. And so, bit by bit, of course, if you really need, collect information about a particular person. The main thing - not to lower hands and to enjoy the full range of opportunities that exist today.