The most effective and proven way to get any man to chase you is to remain constantly in the center of male attention. After all, men always pay attention to those women who among other popular. Then just train triggered a herd instinct.
Another powerful weapon, which in all ages have aroused men's interest is flirting. This method is very simple but not lose its relevance today. You first need to understand the man he was wondering. Right after you intrigue dramatically change your tactics. Make the cold, disinterested, unavailable. Some time later, again become gracious and nice. And so on. This cycle, of course, needs to be done not in five minutes. Otherwise, the object is to guess about your game.
Become for man a secret which he wants to solve. No need to tell him absolutely everything that interests him. Let him wrestle over who gave you a new accessory or where you were last weekend. A complete answer to the questions you never want to give. In addition, the more a man asks the less he needs to answer. But we need to openly hint that the weekend was wonderful, unforgettable. So your object is not guessed about the game, be aware of the following time – in any case, no need to stoop to lies.
You look absolutely happy, harmonious and optimistic. It is for such women and men running around without any of the above. The best way to be the center of attention - not to dwell on the options to attract men. It is better to try to focus all my energy on creating happiness in your own heart. Then the Cavaliers to wait not make.
Beauty is good, but don't forget that a lot of pretty women. The man chose you, you have something different from others. This does not mean that you need to run to the hairdresser and dye your hair green, it is enough to come up with two original gesture. If you have not decided how to get a guy to chase you decide to make a call and meet with a man for weeks 2 times less.
Useful advice
To do this, change your wardrobe, make a new hairstyle, manicure, apply a refined makeup. As soon as the young person will pay attention to You, go to plan of attack. By all means try to "lure" a man. Find out about their preferences about places where he likes to go, meet his friends. In any case, he should be interested in You and start to care for You, but here's how to get a man to chase you will see below.