To stop the growth of hair on the body using hair removal cotton threads. The method allows to remove hairfrom the roots Ki, halting their growth for eight weeks. In addition, the thread practically does not cause skin irritation.
Effective but painful method is waxing. The procedure can be performed at home. Heat the wax and apply to desired areas of the skin. Top cover with paper, and when it dries, sharply sternite from the skin. Thus the growth of hair will no longer bother you for six weeks.
Use retarders growth. The composition of the drug includes chemical substances, the purpose of which is to change the structure of the follicle of the hair. Under the influence of these elements in hairs pale, thinned, and then completely disappear. Repeat the procedure twice a month until you stop the growth of unwanted vegetation.
Effective but rather expensive method is electrolysis. This effect of the electric current to the roots of the hair. However, it should be noted that the procedure can execute only a professional beautician.
Also to stop the growthand the hair on the body using the laser. The method is quite effective, but also painful. In addition, the laser cannot be used against people with dark skin. It is inefficient together with red and light hairAMI. But the procedure is not too time-consuming, that allows to hope for fast result. However, to permanently remove excess vegetation, there should be not one, but multiple sessions.
Get rid of unwanted hair can be on their own, with the help of plucking. The procedure is effective, but painful. Take a bath. The skin is good to steam, the pores open up. With tweezers remove any excess hairkey. This method is suitable for those who have a small amount of unwanted vegetation on the body.