The subscribers of "Beeline" in the order number 684, which they can send SMS message containing the text "L" and the number 06849924 to which you want to call. The cost of each request by any of these numbers is 2 rubles 05 kopecks (or more, depending on how you have a data plan).
If you know the subscriber "MTS", you will easily be able to find it. This was possible thanks to the emergence of such services as "Locator". First, you must send a request with the mobile number of the person you are looking at 6677. If this person will send their confirmation, the operator will tell you its coordinates. The sending of the request will facilitate your score by about 10 or 15 rubles (the final amount depends on the connected rate).
The company "Megaphone" for looking the other man in the room his phone is a few convenient and simple services and rooms. First, there is nothing easier than to send USSD-request to number *148* subscriber's number# (enter number in international format +7). Second, features 0888, by which it is possible to contact the operator and request a search of the other party. In addition, you have the opportunity to obtain interesting information about the location directly on the website, located at
After the operator is received and processed your request on the wanted phone number will receive a notification with the number of your mobile phone. And the owner of the phone should either allow you to track its coordinates, or to deny it. To give his consent, he will need to send to the room 000888 with the text message, which will indicate your mobile. Each request in the "MegaFon" is worth five rubles. About other features search mobile phones you can find on the official website of the operator.