You will need
  • Seed potatoes, tools to care for him.
To get a good harvest of potatoes, it is necessary to know and follow some rules and care techniques. Collect seed for storage and planting only healthy, discard diseased tubers. Otherwise, the entire crop is infected. But if we are talking about late blight, the crop storage practically is not subject.
In the spring of the mandatory check boxes with the seed in a warm place for germination, as can fall the tubers are "blanks," that is, those which do not give shoots. After germination, be sure to loop received seed and keep only the tubers, which have a strong thick branch. They then will form shoots.
In the selection of seed is necessary to adhere to recommendations – all seed must be laid on grades. Otherwise the landing in the form of "cuts" will dramatically reduce the harvest.
Try to plant in early spring, yet the land holds sufficient moisture. The later will be planted with potatoes, the less work the harvest. Whenever possible, observe the sign, which was used by our ancestors: it is impossible to put in full moon and new moon, but the need to do the planting at the waning moon.
Treatment of the soil.
Binding condition is timely weeding. If irrigation is possible, then it is definitely loosening. The most important thing in the process is hilling, although many do not observe this step. Ideally, it is necessary to spend 3 hilling for the period until the potatoes growing and gaining momentum. The first time Spud after the plant had risen by 15-20 cm This gives an intense formation of additional shoots, and hence the formation of new tubers.
Pest control.
Ideally it is better to fight the Colorado potato beetle by hand, i.e. every day (morning and evening) to go with dishes with low edges (for example, basin) through the potato field and to shake off pests. The larvae also need to collect from the leaves, preventing egg hatching of new individuals. If this is not possible, you will have to work the plantation of drugs, the effectiveness of which is effective for only one year, and then it's addictive. You also need to consider that after some means potatoes becomes fruitless. Observing the traditional rules of care, it is possible to obtain high yields, then the dishes of potatoes will delight the whole winter.