You will need
  • patience, memory and the desire to learn the subject
Need internally tune. Believe in yourself, you know. Approach the teacher confidently. The ticket also pulling immediately without hesitation. Reading the ticket, do not immediately think that this question is not known. Don't scare yourself in advance. If you learned something, maybe you can remember the essential phrases. Do not panic. So, quietly tell the teacher room. Can even smile. Go and get ready.
After analyzing the ticket, scribble the answer on the paper. Not in a hurry. Focus.
Speak about yourself the answer. Build beautiful sentences, not to Meca. If absolutely nothing comes to mind, sprinkles answer what you know, tying this to the question. For a moment, imagine that you are now going to talk with his best friend. You need to highlight the answers to these questions. Believe me, it is easier to answer. Much harder to focus if to think all the time – now I will fill it. The teacher does not need you to blame. He is happy to talk with you, if you are even slightly proficient in his subject.
Go to answer when you feel ready. But do not linger to the last. It can play against you. Here you sit down to the teacher. Look at him confidently. Mentally or even aloud read the question. And start answering as if you are in the company of friends. And just to prove their point of view on this issue. Say, if you can not monotone. Speak clearly. If in the opinion of the teacher you understand that the answer is not entirely true, you can beat the phrase. To say that there is an opinion, but you don't quite agree. Try to begin your response with a topic that you know and share it as much as possible. The second question will be less time that you need. Fill in the answer information not only from the curriculum. If you ever read on the subject, can indicate the opinion of the author and the book. People who read not only the material, look more erudite.