In fact, the plan of the essay to be very simple! Usually it is placed on the second page after the title.
To write on the page "Plan of essay" no need, it can let the school teacher! And University requirements suppose to call the page with the terms "Content" or "contents". The abstract is numbered with page is with a plan. Stamped numbering in different ways, most often in the upper right corner.
The plan of the essay consists of an introduction, several chapters (usually from 2 to 4), conclusion and list of references (list the bibliography or list of references). Also, there can be mentioned the possible application to the abstract (illustrations, supplementary information).
However, in the drafting of the plan and is a difficult part, the selection of the heads of the abstract. A good amount of the essay is 10-20 pages. Usually the table of contents, introduction, conclusion and list of references take multiple pages. Therefore, at the head of the abstract remains 6-16 pages. If the abstract is pretty small (total of 8-10 pages), the plan of the essay completely excludes Chapter. In this case, only the Chapter called "Main part". But, nevertheless, you should try to have at least two chapters, which are naturally numbered. In terms of the summary Chapter can be broken down into paragraphs or subparagraphs. The usual amount of paragraphs 2 to 4. The paragraphs within a Chapter are numbered.
To plan, you must identify the issues, concepts, and you will describe in the abstract. Such points may be few, with their help you will reveal the essence of the issues raised. Remember that the plan provides a clear framework for the essay. The plan should be logical and consistent, so that it is easy to understand what do we learn from the text.
Technically, the plan must meet the same requirements as the entire essay. The font is usually Times New Roman font (or font size - 14, spacing (distance between lines) - 1,5 – standard. Fields - the standard for Microsoft Word. This is standard, but if you have manuals, look at what the requirements are specified in it. Each high school your requirements!