You will need
  • - research topic;
  • literature on the topic;
  • - determining the relevance of the work.
Determine first of all what type of essay you will write: descriptive or analytical. In descriptive the form of essay , the aim may be to analysis in the systematic review of the literature on the research topic, briefly stated, the essence of the work. Using the analytical form of the abstract goal is to conduct research on several literary sources, in developing its point of view and its justification based on the confirmation of scientific sources. To begin the objective, can the common clichés: to learn, to explore, to analyze, define, etc.
Rate your experience of writing essays. If the most simple forms you've had to write in school, select a more challenging goal, which will help you to reach a higher level of scientific research. This goal will be to develop recommendations for someone in search of criteria for assessing something.
Break the target into smaller components: sub-goal or task. For abstract enough that they were no more than 3. Objectives help to specify the course of your quest in achieving the goal. Each task can be reflected in a separate paragraph of the abstract.
Examine the list of literature necessary for writing the essay. Verify the presence of these works in the library or on the Internet. Only with the full volume of information sources goal can be realized. Check already written goal on her reality and achievability.
Indicate in the conclusion of the essay, how you managed to achieve the goal. If for some reason failed to thoroughly examine all the approaches, the conditions or methods of something that was planned, specify the reason. Make a forecast of actions that will help to fully achieve the goal. Perhaps that goal was set more global than the abstract, and its solution is possible only with a deeper study of the problems when writing a term paper.