Special attention service security pays the check of potential borrowers as individuals and businesses. Because of the accuracy and completeness of the information submitted by the customer, and thoroughness of the assessment data available specialists depends on further work with the borrower, possible problems and their consequences. So none of the potential customers will not be able to bypass verification service security side.
To service security could provide validation of the client's data, it is necessary to submit the necessary documents. Typically, the borrower – the physical person enough salary certificates, passports and questionnaires. And the most important is the first document, since it is possible to easily check the trustworthiness of the employing organization. Service security using their sources of information (tax inspection, pension Fund, law enforcement agencies) gathers information on the financial stability of the enterprise, the implementation of tax, pension legislation, etc.
In addition, the collected data on criminal records, violations of law, the credit history of the potential borrower. Of great importance is the quality of service of all the possible client loans, as well as the timeliness of repayment on loans where the borrower was a guarantor or a pledger.
Service security is obliged to inform at the request of the client Bank's existing credit history. All the information about the existence of obligations contained in a database or credit Bureau. It is possible to find information about open loan accounts, the balances of the principal debt, overdue payments, etc. the Information in this Bureau gets almost all of them banks. Access to it, as a rule, each officer safety.
As for legal persons, they pass the same test. They must also provide information about the Manager and chief accountant of the organization, information about open current accounts, existing tax liabilities, etc.
As a rule, officers of security different banks communicate with each other. This is another channel of information. Therefore, often a client who was refused service in one credit institution was rejected at another Bank.