There are several varieties of viral hepatitis. In General their symptoms are similar: icteric staining of the skin and sclera, pain in the right hypochondrium, weakness, subfebrile temperature. However, in the early stages of some varieties of hepatitis can be asymptomatic, and therefore should pay attention to their health, if there is a likelihood that you contracted it.

The most common are hepatitis A, b and C. less common hepatitis D, E and G. hepatitis a, or infectious disease, transmitted by the faecal-oral route. Infection occurs through consumption of contaminated water, food or failure to comply with personal hygiene. Mass outbreaks happen in natural disasters related to water, as well as in third world countries where the standard of living and quality of drinking water is poor. That is why seasoned travellers and persons affected by emergency (e.g., flooding) in the region, it makes sense to protect yourself from hepatitis A through vaccination.

Similarly transmitted and more rare hepatitis E, but the vaccine against it is still under development. To prevent the infection may carefully observing personal hygiene and eating only clean, potable water.

Hepatitis b and C, as well as more rare D and G, is most often transmitted through the blood. In hospitals, where the use of sterile disposable instruments, the probability of infection is not so great. But when the ear piercing, tattooing and other similar procedures carried out in dubious places, to pick up the disease is not so difficult. The risk of infection exists when blood transfusion, but now that blood donors are rigorously tested and can withstand quarantine before entering the recipient, such transmission of the virus almost never occur.

Infected with hepatitis b, C, D, and G can be and sexually. Especially, the probability in promiscuity without condoms and in anal sex and homosexual contacts.

Pregnant women, patients with hepatitis b, C, D and G, can transmit the virus and your child. This often happens if a woman infected with hepatitis b, being already in position. In the absence of treatment or with the wrong selection of drugs to die and the fetus and the mother.

Hepatitis b also can be prevented through vaccination, but against hepatitis C, D and G vaccination does not yet exist.