You will need
  • - Minor curler ("bones");
  • - styling products hair spray, mousse or foam with wet hair);
  • - Hairdryer.
The hair wash thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner.
On slightly damp hair apply with the effect of wet hair.
Dry the hair dryer constantly simulating small curls. Hair for this tight squeeze in the palm of your hand, thereby forming a hair.
To do wet chemistry in home conditions you can also with a hair dryer with a diffuser.
If you have a little time, after washing your hair, roll the hair on small curlers. Removing them, apply with wet hair and make styling with the help of hands, as if flowing curls between his fingers.
Wet chemistry in home conditions – a great option for those who don't want to ruin the hair or just do not want to wear the same hairstyle for a long time.