First and foremost, decide on your assortment. In case you only discover any market or region, should make a few trial batches, after analyzing potential competitors. Track their range and value, find the types of bags that they have available.
You can have the same success to trade bags both wholesale and retail. In order to implement such a model, you will need to create an onlinewebsite, which will be posted photos of the bags. Specify how the price per piece for retail purchase and possible discount for parties of fifty pieces.
Independently seek the point of sale. Go shopping, talk to the sellers of bags in order to find out at what price they buy their goods and at what price they are willing to buy your. If you can't compete with their suppliers, you can always open your own shop.
The store opening should be accompanied by discounts and extensive advertising. Remember that your goal is to attract more customers and develop their loyalty to your product. Use the savings card discounts, and discounts for additional purchased bag.
Useful advice
Remember that your bag needs to stand out from the crowd, otherwise they just won't notice.