You will need
  • - sterile cotton wool;
  • - talc;
  • - absorbent cloth or soft cloth;
  • - sterile oil (vegetable, almond, sunflower or peach);
  • - hypoallergenic cosmetic;
  • wet baby wipes;
  • - boiled water.
Protect the skin of the external genitalia girls not only from contamination and infection, but also against mechanical and other irritations. After each urination dry them with a soft diaper or absorbent cloth, and after bowel movements be sure to wash the area of external genitals boiled room temperature water and gently dry.
Wash the skin only in the direction from front to back, while the remnants of excreta will not contaminate the area of the vulva. Not tempted a newborn in the basin or bath, as the genitals of dirty water can be full of germs.
After bathing and cleaning dry with a soft cloth or a sterile cotton swab at the beginning of the region of the genital slit, the labia, inguinal folds, the skin and only at the very end of the crotch.
If you notice even minor signs of irritation, powder the skin with a thin layer of talc, mixed with zinc powder in the ratio 50:50, or brush with a thin layer of sterile vegetable (almond, sunflower, peach) oil. You can also relieve the irritation, causing the area of redness hypoallergenic cosmetic for babies.
Each time you inspect the swaddling folds of the skin, a special attention paying to the area of the external genitalia. If you find agglutination of the labia is covered with a secret, open them carefully with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water. Then gently remove the secretions and dry the skin.
The daily cleaning of the external genitalia of a newborn girl do not use regular soap, only children's Ph neutral.
In the first year of a child's life use as little as possible with potassium permanganate, cosmetic and other means, as they are not only very dry skin, but also destroy the already formed protective function of the skin.