The basic condition of mastering skill of expressive reading are: the ability to distribute the breath, hold the correct articulation of sounds and orthoepic norms. And also requires the fulfillment of certain requirements.
The first thing you need to start your work on expressive reading - choose a passage from a favorite literary work. First, it is preferable to take the prose of L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, I. Bunin, I. Turgenev. Read the text. If possible, record your reading on tape, or ask you to listen to one of your friends. Read the text in small snippets, take breaks to listen to the recording or to speak to a friend when you get better and when worse.
After you read the text the first time, a pencil mark where you want to make a short pause – one vertical feature, where a long, two vertical lines; a word to be read, increasing the tone – arrow, directed upwards; how, in a low tone – arrow pointing down. To correctly place the logical stress, focus on the main idea of the author that he wanted to tell this phrase. As well as consider a situation in which the hero utters this sentence. The second time read the text, made keeping "score".
In addition to logical intervals and observance of punctuation, it is necessary to take into account the psychological pause. They need to move from one part of the work to the other, which is different from the previous emotional content. Such a pause is appropriate, for example, before the end of the fable, in the climactic part of the tale or story.
Expression also contributes to the pace and changes in the intensity of speech: quiet, loud, whisper, shout, etc. the pace of the reading should match the tempo of oral speech. Speed up or slow down it, matching the content of the text. Especially important right rhythm when reading poems.