However, not all as bad as it seems, is to choose a good wine, even from budget brands. In this article we will try to give some practical advice on how to determine the quality of the wine.

The first thing to pay attention to is the price tag. If the wine is tasteless, it won't cost less than 50 rubles, so a very low price just to alert the buyer.

Then look at the label, where you find the amount of sugar in wine (dry wines have no sugar because of their lack there of), the code of the certification body, where were identified the wine, the icon Rostest, and the name and address of the manufacturer and GOST. The year in which the wine was made, is indicated on collerette.

To determine the quality of wine, also you can own. For this aim the bottle at the light, sharp movement, flip it down the neck, drawing attention to the sediment. If the excessive amount of sediment, it should be alerted. Fine wine may have sediment only wine-stone, but the bottom of the bottle it is in any case should not cover.

Thick consistency and fast settling are signs of the "correct" sediment. Although it should be noted that this method of determining the quality is not suitable for bottled wine packages.

If you have already purchased the wine, it can be checked at home. To distinguish this wine from counterfeit wine to pour in a small bottle, put your finger on the neck, and then lower the bottle in a container of water and release your finger. If the wine is water it will not mix; but if wine is mixed with water, then the sooner it happens, the more impurities it has.

Another way to determine the quality of the wine is the determination with glycerin. Glycerin remains colorless, if it infuse in natural wine; if wine is to be some "compote". in this case, it will be painted in shades of yellow or red.