The first step is to choose the right seeds. Look at the flowers in the picture of the bag, read what is written on the back. For starters it is better to take hardy varieties that do not require special conditions of detention. Note the size of future plants, they need light levels and watering, make sure that you will be able to provide. It is also necessary to insure against poor quality seed. This can be done by reading information about the manufacturer. If the provider specifies your address and phone, less chance that the seeds will not germinate.
How to grow <b>flowers</b> <strong>seed</strong>
Then you have to prepare the seeds for planting. Read the manual – whether you need your seed stratification or scarification. If stratification is necessary, so have a few months to soak the seeds in loose moist soil at low temperatures. The seeds need scarification with a hard shell. Gently sawed it with a file lightly, trying not to pierce through. If Dolgobrodskaya seeds, soak them in a solution of potassium permanganate, Alpin, Fitosporin, then wrap the seeds for 2-3 days in a wet bandage.
How to grow <b>flowers</b> <strong>seed</strong>
Then sow the seeds in loose and moist soil, to a depth. It is better to use seedling box. If the seeds are small they should be planted 1-2 mm, if large – 1 cm Top cover box transparent plastic or glass. Put in a warm place and wait for germination. When out of the ground will show a small green loops, gently put the flowers together with a clod of earth (so as not to damage the roots) on individual pots. Put the pots in the sun, water and fertilize the plants.
How to grow <b>flowers</b> <strong>seed</strong>