Although the most common method of reproduction of aquatic plants is vegetative, some of them can be grown from seed.

However, not all of the seeds of aquatic plants remain viable when dried. Therefore, many of their species such as Aponogeton curly, you can not grow from dry material. Aponogeton seeds remain viable only when damp. However, aquarists are quite successfully grown some plants from dry seeds (for example, Lilies, Lotuses, Echinodorus).

Every seed aquatic plants encased in a shell. If the seeds are adapted for storage in a damp environment, they have a thin shell of fruit that is easily separated. Seeds that can withstand drying, have a thick shell. Sometimes in practice, the aquarium there are species that form large fruits, resembling a nut. Such seeds before planting must be adbility to help the embryo to get out.


Before planting the seeds must be treated with drugs that stimulate rooting. It's enough to sustain them for 7 hours in a solution of IAA, prepared at the rate of 1 tablet (100 mg of IAA) in 2 liters of water.


After soaking the seeds in IAA is transferred to a small jar with drinking water, cover with a lid and put in a warm place. The temperature of the water in the jar should reach 23-25C. Higher temperature will reduce the oxygen content of the water and the seeds may rot.


Once the seeds sprout, they are planted in another jar of water on the bottom of which is sprinkled on the ground. For use as a primer suitable river sand, gravel, vermiculite with the addition of peat crumb etc. to Plant sprouted seeds need not too close from each other for normal growth they need free space.

The cultivation of seeds in the soil

Some aquarists prefer to sow seeds directly into the ground, not doing their germination. To this end, it make shallow furrows and the seeds are buried there. Large seeds can be repaired deeper, and small patch deeply recommend - hatched seed may not be enough time and supply of nutrients to come to the surface.

In containers, where the germinating seeds, it is necessary to maintain high humidity and to protect the young plants from their eternal enemies - algae.