Before you build a chicken coop for chickens, to accurately calculate its future size. For three chickens you need to build one square meter. If you are going to have hens, one hen is one square meter.
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Make the Foundation of the house. You need to fill it up so the inside is not exposed to water when snow melts. The inside panel Foundation insulation and vapor barrier material.
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Walls made of any material. They should be thick. Additionally insulate them with insulating materials. Inside the future of the coop upholster walls with boards and whitewash with lime. Whitewash walls have systematically to avoid the growth of microbes.
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Make the roof of the shed, it will reduce the cost of construction. Be sure to cover it with tar paper, iron sheets or asbestos.
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Between the roof and chicken coop secure layer vapor barrier material, and on it lay a layer of insulation.
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Ventilation and exhaust make. To provide for its needs during the construction of the walls of the house.
Floors can be made of thick planks. If you don't want to do a wooden floor, tightly tamp it with clay.
Make the roosts out of thin bars. Under the roost install pallets. This will help when cleaning the coop.
At the corners of the coop ready to install the boxes in which the chickens will lay eggs.
If you have a hen, set her a separate box away from perches and a dark place. The chicken coop you need good light. For daytime lighting fit Windows with glass. In the morning and evening hours additionally turn the light on.
For walking birds equip the fenced enclosure. Enclose it with mesh netting. In summer, the chickens must have free access to the outdoor aviary. To do this, the bottom of the door is a manhole with door, if necessary, the chickens can be closed.