Make a guest list
Ways to celebrate the birthday of a great variety. Fun to share not only with friends but also closest relatives. Decide where and with whom you want to be in this day. For a good mood, invite those people whom you will be pleased to see.
Pick up entertainment
Think about how to combine for easy communication between guests of different ages and interests. That was fun, the selection of entertainment keep in mind the views of the invited. Of course, the individual characteristics of each note is difficult, but the General direction of interest should be observed. For example, the older generation sings with pleasure, young people like to play "Fanta", but laugh at jokes. If you joke and laugh - you have created a relaxed atmosphere and a fun day.
Determine the place of celebration.
Birthday can be carried out in different environments: at home, outdoors, in a cafe or restaurant. If you are a city dweller, mark it in the fresh air, away from the bustle of the paved streets. This version of holiday is suitable for any time of year. Because making meals outdoors in summer or a visit to the hot baths in the winter - it is great fun. Use the opportunity to have fun with friends in nature, when there is such a wonderful occasion.
If this day falls on the hottest time of year, the perfect spot for the picnic will be the shore. Here fishermen can try their luck and swimmers to enjoy the cool. Those who remained around the fire, you will find a pleasant experience – follow the fragrant meat and set the table. The picnic did not become hard, the absorption of food and drinks, entertain guests.
Prepare game
Surprise your guests with not only delicious food, but an opportunity to stretch their legs. After a hearty meal unobtrusively invite them to participate in the games. If you took the rackets and shuttlecocks, will offer everyone the badminton. None of the young people will not abandon the volleyball is fun. It is important to cover the entire company – then, the guests rejoice in the common amusements and will remain satisfied with their participation.
Think about music
In nature you need to enjoy the birds singing and the chirping of grasshoppers, but if that's not enough for a festive mood – organize to cheerful music. It could be a radio programme or a specially prepared CD of your favorite dance tunes. Sing a guitar song, but if left to rest until the evening – no harm will be dancing around the campfire.