You will need
  • ОС Windows.
The standard tool for manual work in the system the registry is a Windows application that has its own name, and without hardship given the name "registry Editor" - run this program. If in the main menu of your OS version there is a window to enter a search query, type in it regedit and press Enter. When using versions of older editions of the first menu item "Run" and then type the same command and press the same button.
If you know the name of the variable, the value of which you want to change, open the menu "registry Editor" section of the "edit" and select "Find". This command invokes the search dialog screen. To access it and use Ctrl + F. In the Find what field, enter the parameter name, as in "View" uncheck the check boxes in the fields "section Names" and "Values" parameter - this will speed up the search process. Then click "Find next". It is possible that the first of the encountered search algorithm matches will be not what you need - in this case, press F3 to continue searching.
An alternative to the automatic search - consistent unfolding of nested folders in the left frame of the application window. If the exact name you do not know, but you know the place the desired variable in the registry structure, use this method to access the desired variable's value.
Once the variable is found, click the right mouse button on its name in the right frame of the editor. POPs up the context menu select "Edit" and in the opened following this window and change the contents of the field "Value". If the variable is in the format of REG_DWORD, pay attention to the encoding of the input values - it can be presented both in hexadecimal and in decimal numeral system. An appropriate note should be put next to one of the two fields in the section "counting System". Then press the OK button.
At the end of procedure close the window "registry Editor". No questions about saving changes, as do the editors of the other types in this set will not all the edits are already saved by pressing the OK button in the previous step.