Listen to advertising noises very few people like, and to switch off the sound on the computer uncomfortable, if that is required during use. In this case, you must disable the sound in the web browser. Opera browser, whose attractiveness is due not only versatility but also ease of use is one of the most popular programs for opening web pages. The algorithm is mute in Opera is as simple as the program itself. Click on the icon of your Internet browser and navigate to "Programs", find the section "Settings" and its inner-tab "General settings". As soon as the screen displays the General settings window, click "Advanced" and open the link "Contents" in the left menu of the page. Remove the checkmark for "Enable sound in web pages" and the sound browser will disappear.
If for some reason the Opera browser is not available and to search for information using Internet Explorer, the problem of the sound can also be eliminated through the program settings. Only in this situation, use the section "Tools" menu of your Internet browser. Navigating to "Tools", select "Internet options" and click on the "Advanced" tab. Then review the list of topics, among them select "Multimedia" and uncheck "Play sounds on web pages".
The third most popular Internet browser instead of Opera, is Mozilla Firefox. If an informational website with advertising the movie open in Mozilla, look in the top menu section "Tools" and go to "Settings". In the opened window select the tab "Applications", where you click on "sound Recorder" and remove the checkmark next to "Use media player".