Call children's staffusing words in the diminutive values. For Example, "Sun", "Bell", "Stream", "Sweet Tooth", "Jumping". They will embrace children and adults.
Coming up with the name of the children's teamand proceed from its activities. If this is a choreographic team, the suit names such as "Wave", "top-Top", "birds", "Whirlwind".
Focus on favorite children books and cartoons. You can call the children's team by the name of the fantastic hero. For example: "the Nutcracker", "Rapunzel", "Smeshariki", etc. do Not forget that the title should be relevant and popular now.
Keep in mind that the name of the children's teamand should be a resounding and memorable. Do not invent names consisting of several words. Just one or two in the title: "Merry grasshopper" and a "Small country", "Flowers of life".
Use a foreign word in the name of the team. For starters, think in Russian and then translated into English, German, French. Maybe you will encounter interesting, balanced sound.