Turtles with a Royal or just graceful in your opinion habits can be called in accordance with the literary or cinematic prototypes: Martha, Bertha, Margo, Ariel, Ophelia, Michelle, Lilith.

Sometimes turtles female gives cute human names: Sonya, Tonya, Paradise, Alex, Kira, Polina. Some owners called the turtles by name or the names of favorite celebrities: Barto, Bella, Faina.
You can also call a turtle by the name of the ancient goddesses and Queens: Penelope, Cleopatra, Demeter, Venus.

Nicknames for boys too can get in honor of the famous movie characters, animated films, art works: Ostap, Vinny, Bonifazi, Clyde, Nemo.

Some people prefer to give the turtles names in honor of favorite writers, poets, actors, Directors and other well-known figures of science and art. For example: Brahms, Darwin, Che Guevara, Freud, Henry, Shelly, etc.

Widespread use of the names of the idols owners: Roy, Tim, Ozzy, Kurt, Jack, Patrick, Leonardo, etc.
Nicknames, symbolizing the various areas of a particular professional activity, the less popular, but widely used among the fans something original: the weather man, the Pharaoh, the doctor, the Sprinter.
Some owners prefer to give Pets names that refer to edible or inedible objects. For example, for boys pick up nicknames in the spirit of: Coconut, Cupcake, iris, Buttercup, for girls - Jasmine, Tequila, button.
There are universal names, which are suitable for turtles of both sexes, for example, Lou, Tesla, Pepe, Pasha. Whatever name you choose, the main thing that it liked you personally and it is advisable to meet the nature of your pet.
It should not be called turtles nicknames cats or dogs. It would look much more strange than if you come up to pet a non-existent nickname of your own head.