In most houses and apartments are still preserved induction instruments accounting of electricity. Must-offer, counter with what accuracy class installed. Until the mid nineties all the instruments had the acceptable level of error when calculating the 2.5%. Later it was changed to the 2.0 standard. All new meters have this accuracy class.
By purchasing an electronic two-tariff electricity meter, you get to keep separate records of energy at different times of the day. This device automatically switches to night time to a more favorable rate of payment. Some meters are so functional that keep records, sharing the seasons.
The modern "fancy" models always ready to react to any changes in the terms of payment for electricity. For example, if your region has decided to make consumers discounts on the weekends, to take advantage of this innovation can only owners of new meters that support multiple rates.
A dual-rate system is a convenient and energy. Because the load on the power plant lies mainly in the mornings and evenings, and night energy reduce energy production. Technical condition of the equipment is suffering from such a regime and wear, spent a lot of money for its repair. If the power consumption is leveled, the negative effects of jumps can be significantly reduced. You can include appliances, machines (washing machines and dishwashers) at night and saving your money.
If you decide to change your old appliance metering of electricity, so choose a machine that is listed in the state register that is certified and approved for operation in Russia.
Install new counter and dismantle the old one has only a specialist from the company supplying you with electricity. On your device put the seal and give permission to use. Never do anything with electricity alone, it would be a violation and threatens unpleasant consequences.