Wedding takes place only when in the hands of the couple already has a certificate of marriage, both of them should profess the Orthodox faith. When the appointed wedding day, both of the future spouses should prepare for this ecclesiastical mystery. Do not blindly follow fashion and get married just because it is a beautiful and solemn ceremony, treat it seriously and begin to prepare for the event ahead of time, at least for a week.
Before the wedding should keep a strict fast during the week. If you are really a believer, spend 3-4 days before the event in prayer, turn to God to bless and direct your marriage. In a day or two before the wedding both of you need to confess and take communion. Time for this will be assigned a priest with whom you agree on the wedding. If you do not know very well how these rituals, don't worry – the priest will initiate you into the rules.
Advance purchase two icons with the image of Jesus Christ and mother of God. These icons you will bless the parents, if in your family there is no wedding icons, which were hereditary. These icons should bring to the ceremony the parents of the newlyweds, and in case of their absence, themselves young. Young as on a typical wedding, the wedding must be accompanied by two witnesses. Besides icons, bring wedding rings, wedding candles and beautiful white towel.
Witnesses can also be only baptized Orthodox Christians. Their purpose is not just to sit in Church and hold the crowns over the heads of the newlyweds, but also subsequently to maintain close contact with them and to help in the formation of a new family. Therefore, take seriously the choice of its witnesses, it is desirable that they were adults, already married people.
Check before heading to the Church if both of you are ready for the ceremony. The Church does not approve of compulsion, when one of the young is an atheist and agrees to participate in the ritual just for the sake of their loved one. In the case when one of you is already married once, it is necessary to obtain the permission of the Bishop to the termination of the previous Union. You can't get married to those who are in kinship up to the fourth knee.