You will need
  • Soda
  • Ammonia
  • Tooth powder
  • Detergent
  • Warm water
  • Soft cloth or nonabrasive sponge
If you have an old refrigerator of Soviet production, you can safely wash it the inner walls and shelves of ordinary vinegar or a solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon of alcohol per liter of water). If you have tooth powder, you can add it to the solution of ammonia in an amount of 50 grams. So you not only eliminate odor in the fridge, but distribuite it.
New refrigerators imported it is advisable to wash with milder means – vinegar and ammonia can damage the inner coating. To remove the smell in the fridge, wash it by warm soap solution (1 teaspoon detergent in 1 litre of water). Instead of soap you can use a special remedy for odor in the refrigerator. It can be purchased from the Department of household chemicals a large supermarket.
It is much easier to prevent odorthan later to get rid of it. Most often, bad smell in the refrigerator is formed due to the storage in it of spoiled food. Therefore regularly check the contents of the fridge in time and throw rotten fruit, moldy cheese, sour soup, etc.
The smell in the refrigerator can also occur due to the storage of products without packaging. Over time, various odors will accumulate and mix together, forming not a nice "bouquet". To avoid this, before putting the products in the fridge put them in plastic bags or plastic containers. This is especially true of residues of finished dishes and such "smelly" products as fish, meat, meats and cheese.
Use absorbers of the odor for the refrigerator. You can buy them in shops or make yourself. The easiest adsorbent – box of ordinary baking soda. Open it and put in the fridge. Change the box every 2-3 months. Instead of soda, you can use activated charcoal or citrus peel.