Most of the stores have huge productoborot and more profit from sales, hiring merchandisers and designers. Trust the layout and design of stalls to sellers, do not have special education and experience, then to lose the image of the store and reduce the level of sales, hence, profit.
The correct layout of a productand aimed at attracting the attention of buyers. The main directions are reduced to a rational decision on which assortment to have, in what quantity and in what order it is placed below all items, without exception, demand and accumulating on the shelves of the store.
The main purpose of correct positioning of the products is to evoke emotion and positive response in the soul of every potential buyer. In the window should be placed, what is actually currently available for sale. If you sell clothing of a certain direction, for example, business suits, the window should be decorated by mannequins dressed in this type of product. But for successful trading in the shop need to have all of that, anyway, requires a business suit. You can sell ties, shirts, blouses, handkerchiefs, socks, tights, shoes, and accessories. In this case the main window should clearly embody the corporate identity of the store.
Don't skimp on the lighting displays. Properly chosen color palette of the background, which exposed the goods and lighting is a guarantee of successful sales.
Regularly change the composition showcase. Expose the new collection, and also renew the goodsand produce in accordance with the season. Sale information post in the showcase, in the media and on the advertising banners.
If you are selling a food products, showcase shall be equipped so that on the shelves that are at eye level, were placed the most expensive and the least popular item. On the lower and upper shelves, pick the goods of daily demand, which come in the shop the majority of buyers.