You will need
  • - vitamin drinks;
  • - sage, rosemary, eucalyptus leaves, coarse salt for inhalation;
  • is set to compress or mustard;
  • water, lemon juice (vinegar) to cool off the temperature.
To the baby quickly recovered, focus efforts on improving the immunity and care for a sick child. And of course, spend symptomatic treatment, if necessary, reduce temperature, eliminate cough, runny nose and sore throat.
If your child's cold is accompanied by high fever (above 38оС) or use the pharmacy of antipyretic remedies or natural. For example, can wipe the whole body of the baby is acidified with warm water and cover with a sheet, and a few minutes later with a blanket. Repeat this process every half hour. Instead of lemon juice you can use vinegar at a ratio of 1 tsp per Cup of water.
Little and often let's the child drink. The body needs more fluids to flush out toxins. In addition, a warm drink is useful for pain in the throat. Cook only tasty drinks, the baby drank them with pleasure. For example, freshly made carrot-Apple juice, cranberry juice with honey, tea with raspberry, lemon and honey. Dry cough let's warm milk with mineral water, with a wet cough – milk and honey.
If nasal congestion from a baby, if the temperature is not raised, do the warming procedure. On either side of the nose attach the bags with warm salt. Heat increases energy and helps to prevent purulent rhinitis. In the flow from his nose bury carrot juice. Near the pillow place the chopped onion, and change it after each airing of the room.
Coughing, again, if the temperature is not elevated, do a hot compress on the chest or put the mustard. But this unpleasant procedure did not cause the baby's resentment, not dampen them with water and apply to skin in dry form. Then they will take longer to warm up.
Do inhalation child. Will rascality in the pan coarse sea salt, add eucalyptus, sage or rosemary. And after the plant begins to produce a fragrance – put the pan on the side below the bed level. The smell will begin to rise up and penetrate the Airways of the baby. Repeat 3 times a day. This tool helps with the cough.
Several times a day to ventilate the baby's room. Fresh air cleans it from pathogens and, in addition, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. In the cold season, at the time of airing, take the baby in another room. In the warm – keep the window open constantly.
The outcome of any disease depends largely on the care. So give the kid is not only symptomatic treatment, but also psychologically encourage him while awake – tell stories, read books, sing songs, more talk. Nothing boosts immunity like positive emotions. Of course it requires a lot of time and effort, but your physical and emotional costs make up for the health of the baby.