For the detection of tuberculosis in children in preschool institutions and schools have developed and implemented a periodic tuberculin. It is conducted by the method of intradermal tuberculin tests and allows to detect the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body of the child, and also to study the reactivity of the organism in conditions of infection. Tuberculin is a biological active product obtained from the filtrates of live bacteria. The most common intradermal Mantoux test and Diaskintest.
In the absence of hyperemia and infiltration within 72 hours Mantoux test is negative. In the presence of papules up to 4 mm is questionable. And positive if the wheal is greater than 5 mm in diameter. With a positive Mantoux test, the child is sent to a specialized hospital, where he is put on the account and conduct further research infection. Spend Diaskintest, which allows to avoid false positive results. Such reaction is possible if the baby has antibodies following contact with patients with tuberculosis or BCG vaccination. When conducting Decintact introduced synthetic proteins, specific to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This method is most reliable to diagnose the presence of the pathogen in the body.
Adults have routinely performed chest x-rays of the chest. This examination are persons who seek medical assistance. Sellers, educators, teachers and health workers, i.e. those categories of citizens who by the nature of its activities dealing with a large number of people are subject to regular fluorography. Using this method yourself you need to apply in the case of persistent fever, cough and blood appearing in the sputum.
In case of detection of suspicious sites on the images, the person can be directed to the tuberculosis clinic to conduct bacteriological tests. Material for detection of mycobacteria is sputum, urine, washings of the bronchi or stomach. The study used biological sample, microscopy and culture method. With the help of a biological sample set, the presence of even a single bacteria is the most sensitive method. The culture test allows to obtain pure culture of bacteria and to determine its sensitivity to antibiotics. After confirming the diagnosis the patient is prescribed treatment.