You will need
  • - antibiotics;
  • salt, mustard powder or pine extract;
  • urological collection;
  • red root.
Visit a urologist for examination. Often pain during urination caused due to cystitis, prostatitis, stones or sand in the kidneys, as well as the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Try to adhere strictly to all instructions of the expert.
If the pain when urinating came after you had got his feet wet, begin to hold warming. Take a hot bath with salt or pine extract. Help foot bath with mustard: 3 liters boiling water 1 tbsp mustard powder.
Take an antibiotic if you had previously prescribed these drugs. Some people cystitis occurs several times a month. Mostly this is due to undertreated earlier kidney disease.
Buy urological collection. Method of application please specify in the instructions. Herbs, which are included in this collection, have antibacterial and diuretic properties. But since vegetable ingredients help to gradually, take it at least 2 weeks. If you have stones or sand in the kidneys, before use of such drugs, consult your doctor.
When the pain occurs because of inflammation in the kidneys or in the bladder, to solve this problem will help the red root. Steep about 2 tablespoons of herbs per Cup of boiling water. Take 50 ml before meals 4 times a day. This herb helps in the treatment of other diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women.
You should immediately contact the hospital if you have severe swelling and pain when urinating increased. Perhaps this is a sign that sand or stones began to emerge. Without the help of a specialist can not do, as merely a stone may cause damage to the ureters.