You will need
  • - passport;
  • - money for purchase of the apartment.
Find real estate Agency that will help you to choose the apartment option and check correctness of the documents, certifying the transfer of ownership. Addresses and telephone numbers of agencies you can find in the directory of organizations in the city of Kursk or in case of Internet sites
Decide what kind of apartment you are looking for, in what area and what area. Relate your desires with the possibilities of real estate prices in the Kursk and your financial resources. For example, in 2012 the cost of one-bedroom apartments in Kursk ranges from eight hundred thousand to two million rubles, depending on the area, type of home and area of the premises.
Let its wishes in the Agency. A realtor will be able to choose several options of apartments that you can visit. When you visit, pay attention not only to the layout and condition of the apartment, but the staircase and the Elevator. Don't forget that if the house is in need of repair, to pay for its repair have the owners, including you.
Find out about opportunities to Finance a home purchase. If you do not have the money, then the realtor will be able to advise you which Bank of Kursk is best to get a mortgage.
When you find the appropriate option, sign a contract with the seller. This document should specify not only how and when the transfer of money, but the timing of the departure of the former owners of the apartment.
After the transaction, tell the seller the agreed amount, and the Agency will pay the cost of his services.