You will need
  • Wall bars, punch, fasteners.
Review the equipment your model Swedish wall. Read the user manual. For each model there are certain requirements on the meter. Most models are mounted on the supports, so it is important to choose the right place.
Check the ceilings. If you have a flat suspended ceilings, install the wall will not work. In addition, after the installation of the wall around should be enough room to swing on the swings and do the exercises.
Install vertical rails on the spacers. Then insert horizontal steps in the grooves. If it is necessary to additionally attach of the ladder to the wall, use the hole puncher. With its help you quickly drill holes in the wall.
There are climbing walls, in which horizontal steps are twisted to one side. In this case, first you need to install only one guide. Then collect all the steps and then install the second vertical guide.
If you have a model that is attached to the supporting wall, the fastening is usually done in four places with a punch and bolts. In this case, it is also important to choose the right place for installation.
You do not fit plasterboard walls. For the wall need a concrete or brick base. Make four holes in the wall with a punch.
Install vertical rails and fasten them with bolts. Insert horizontal steps in the grooves. All additional modules are usually attached to the wall without too much difficulty.