Basically, the concept of composition is used to characterize literary texts. It is caused by the method Outlook, specifically aesthetic, including generic tasks set by the author. In most cases, the elements of composition are exposition, exposition, development of action, climax and denouement.Art may consist of one novel, novels, poems, but of a whole cycle of the group of poetic or prose works, United by a common hero, a common problems, ideas or actions ("Belkin's stories" Alexander Pushkin, "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" of N. In. Gogol). Anglophone short stories in the concept of "composition" puts the relationship of dynamic and static aspects of the work, the process of dismemberment of the text on specific blocks (paragraphs, chapters), the semantic organization of the text. Therefore, there are two kinds of composite plans of building works: logical-compositional and strictly compositional. The first includes the structural-semantic and structural-logical aspects, and the second – composite-substantive and formal-compositional.The composition of the text is inherent not only artistic works, but also non-fiction too, and is understood as a sequence of three main parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The introduction is an introduction to the theme, content of text, formulation of problems, the performance of the material. Sometimes in the introduction pursued the psychological purposes (journalism, popular science genres) to seize the reader's attention, establish contact with him. In the main part reveals the theme, communicate basic information, solved the task. It is important is the ratio of private and General questions, concrete examples and abstract concepts. In the main part the author presents the basic material, putting evaluation analyzes other people's judgments, offers his own understanding of the topic. The result of all that is supplied in the conclusion where you draw conclusions, identifies new problems and challenges.