Ask permission from the headmaster. This is the most important step. Usually you need to have documents and certificates confirming that you are a competent person to conduct classes. Teachers do not have to do this if the circle is their specialty. For example, the teacher can lead the club sports, as it corresponds to his professional skills. After the Director let you the organization of the club, will be the relevant order was made.
Check the schedule and location of classes by school administration. First of all, you need to find a free account. It's not as difficult as in the school surely there's a spare room. If not, you will be offered a Cabinet that will be released after class. In the organization of paid occupations that are associated with additional equipment, you will need to rent the space for placement of its equipment and other devices. Schedule mug should not coincide with school hours. Remember that extra classes should not disturb the main one.
Prepare the room for classes. If you organize a circle of young technicians, then stock up on the necessary tables, posters and models. You can negotiate with teachers to take the materials they have at the time of the classes. For the sections of the struggle use the gym. Usually there are mats and training equipment. In the organization of paid occupations that are associated with additional equipment, you will need to rent the space for placement of its equipment and other devices.
Make a lesson plan. It is necessary to fully think through the system and method of training. This requires pedagogical skills. Try keeping a journal in which you note the number of classes and what they studied. Before that you have to do a full training scheme. In it specify objectives, milestones, methods of classes. Type point system to encourage pupils. You can also use the competitive moment. When holding the mug does not forget to devote time to games and other entertainment programs. If students lose interest in lessons.