You will need
  • - baguette;
  • - Passepartout;
  • glass.
Pick a shape for a picture frame: a rectangle select a rectangular frame, oval - oval, round-to - round. Determining frame size, please note that the embroidery looks better when the edges are separated by fields from the frame. Pick a frame size of at least 2-4 cm longer than your picture.
Choosing the color, emphasize the basic tone embroidery. Be careful with colors that are not found in the work - they should not to distract attention to themselves, but only to highlight the colors work on the contrast. If you haven't found the right color in the finished part, it is possible to paste over them with fabric of your choice (this method is suitable for flat frames).
Complete your embroidery in a frame with Passepartout - cardboard insert between the frame and the work that is cut in the form of work and is a white or color box, several centimeters between the picture and the frame. Protect the embroidery glass, however, keep in mind that ordinary glass will be pale. Now offers different types of glass, to avoid this effect. Attach the glass in the frame and mounts, check to see if the General appearance worse.
Reassemble the all parts of the picture independently: embroidery it is very important to bond with the design, so then you can remove it from the framework. It's hard work that should not sub-contract.
Wash and iron the work, placing it face down on a Terry towel. Cut a piece of cardboard the size of the canvas and glue a special embroidery, do not leave traces on the fabric and glue (apply glue "grate" on cardboard). It requires no glue: fold the fabric on the other side of the cardboard and pull the thread the opposite edge (the threads form a lattice).
View, not too tight, the glass is adjacent to the embroidery assembled. If the glass flatten the work, lay a strip of cardboard between the glass and the frame. Cut another piece of cardboard, which will close the circulation embroidery and fastening. Put consistently: cardboard-backdrop, painting on cardboard, passe-partout, glass, seal it all with frame.