Get acquainted with the acronym SEO. SEO or Search Engine Optimization means: optimization under search program. The higher up on the search results is a link to the page, the more likely that it'll unlock, because most of the users only visited the first few sites listed, most often the top three. Only 50% are viewing a list of the first page to the end, and then the number of views becomes lower.

Speaking about the second ten, it is worth noting that only 20% of all users viewing the second page of search results. Hence the logical conclusion that the creators of sites most mainly to be in the top 10. This will help optimize SEO.

Optimization for search engines, it is reasonable to divide into three parts:

1) Optimization of internal work site. This may include corrections, additions and change page content, HTML code, etc. the First step is the most important. From that, how much successful it will be depends on further progress. Also keep in mind that all search engines differ from each other by a principle of search, so for each search engine need to do some optimization.

2) SEO is a self-promotion web site. At this stage, the site Creator should take action on external resources (social networks and various other sites). The purpose of these actions is the furnishing of a certain number of links to your web site and as consequences, the acquisition authority.

3) Last but not least, step is acquired at previous stages and the strengthening of the position of the site. It is necessary to observe the ranking of the competitors, change the keywords if necessary, and the content of the web site, the text links on his page to do all sorts of internal amendments. In short, in any case can not stand still, otherwise achieved considerable difficulty rating will plummet, all efforts will be in vain, and have to start all over again.